
Four themes have been selected for the 14th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop. These themes represent topics which are of great concern for the dam community. In these topics, it is important to exchange experiences as well as evaluate and discuss different modelling techniques. In addition to these themes, an open theme is also available which allows participants to highlight their own topics and projects that are considered to be of interest to the community.

Theme A: Cracking of a concrete arch dam due to seasonal temperature variations. More info

Theme B: Static and seismic analysis of an arch-gravity dam. More info

Theme C: Embankment dam behaviour – prediction of arching and cracking potential. More info

Theme D: Risk Analysis–assessment of reliability for concrete dams. More info

Open Theme: In the open theme, participants may present their own topics and projects within the field of numerical analyses of dams that are considered to be of interest to the dam community. These topics could for instance present cases, which may be considered as themes for future benchmark workshops. Deadline for submission of abstracts to the open theme is Mars 15th 2017.
